Message from the President
Gloucester Rotary's 102nd Year
Rotary will succeed. Rotary is a world wide organization of business and professional persons with common goals and interests to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Because of Rotary International's leadership and initiative, polio has virtually been eradicated around the globe. In addition to continuing to battle polio, Rotary International has adopted six areas of focus to include: peace and conflict prevention/resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic educational, literacy, economic and community development. This is certainly a set of lofty goals, but hardy challenges ignite the spirit – with diligence, determination, and perseverance.
Established in 1923, the Gloucester Rotary Club’s 60-plus members are leaders of the community. Rotary’s motto "Service Above Self" is the basis of all our good work. To celebrate the centennial of the 1905 founding of Rotary, we raised the resources necessary to purchase and install a brand new community playground at Stage Fort Park. To celebrate our own club's centennial, the Gloucester Rotary Club and our partners invested $200,000 to update and add even more play equipment. With funds raised through annual events like our Pancake Breakfast, Comedy Show, Trivia Nights, Calendar Project, Re-Gift Auction, Night at the Races, and more. As well as our fun-fines at weekly meetings, we’ve been able to annually award more than $50,000 in contributions throughout the community to local organizations and causes to aid our friends, families and neighbors.
But, what strikes us as most significant, and mostly unknown to all – except for Rotarians - is the deeply profound sense of friendship, fellowship, caring and love that evolves over the many years of serving the community together. During times of personal celebration…struggle…and strife – one need not look very far to find a fellow Rotarian close-by offering encouragement and support. We consider ourselves quite blessed to be a part of this very familial and dynamic group…and that is THE MAGIC OF ROTARY!
Rick Doucette & Sal Frontiero
Gloucester Rotary Co-Presidents 2024 -2025
The Mission of Rotary is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.