Membership Options
The Gloucester Rotary offers Rotarians two forms of membership in order to facilitate various individual schedules:
Regular Membership:
Purpose: Weekly luncheon meetings are held each Tuesday at Noon at Cruiseport lower level. We encourage this form of membership as it builds camaraderie among members and creates opportunities for business meetings to move our agenda forward.
Attendance requirement: Weekly attendance at luncheon meetings or club activities, service projects, etc.
Cost: $1,600 per year payable quarterly plus any special assessments. (This includes cost of lunch meetings throughout the year.)
Service Membership:
Purpose: To encourage business people to join Rotary who may not be able to attend our weekly Tuesday luncheon. This form of membership would count attendance primarily at club sponsored events and participation in service projects. Attendance at weekly club meetings is encouraged but not required.
Attendance requirement: Meet attendance requirements by attending at least one lunch meet a month and Rotary events, and service projects.
Attendance credit:
- Attending a meeting is counted as one meeting credit.
- Attending an event is counted as one meeting credit.
- Working at an event is counted as one meeting credit per hour worked up to a maximum of two meetings per event worked.
- Working at a service project is counted as one meeting credit per hour worked up to a maximum of three meetings per event worked.
- Attending other Rotary clubs is counted as one meeting credit.
Cost: $600 per year payable quarterly plus any special assessments. This includes the cost of one lunch meeting per month. If attending additional meetings, there will be a charge of $27/meeting, payable at the door.
For more information on Rotary Membership, contact any Gloucester Rotarian.